Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Help Remove CouponJumbo Completely out of Browser

CouponJumbo display pop-ups, very annoying. 

Computer users report that CouponJumbo keeps displaying pop-ups and ads during their browsing no matter they are using Firefox, Google Chrome or Internet Explorer. CouponJumbo is programmed to do advertising job, which is delivering ads on users' current browsing webpage and aims to gain traffic for its prompting products or service. Though Ads by CouponJumbo is not virus, it's very annoying because its pop-ups cover users' browsing content and they have to manually shut them down. In addition, loads of ads by CouponJumbo displaying on the webpage eat up network source and largely slow down computer speed. You can sense it when downloading a webpage.

Browsing by the infected browser will make you suffered a lot.

CouponJumbo would dump various ads and garbage links into your search results, which may take you to advertising webpage occasionally or mislead you to malicious domain requesting you to download their app or call hackers' number like 1-800 number. Apart from that, you web browsing won't be privacy and secure anymore. CouponJumbo employs tracking cookies to record your browsing trace and gather your confidential information from it, like email message, phone number, credit card details, etc. 

Removal of CouponJumbo should be finished right now. 

Keeping CouponJumbo is a huge mistake. The longer it stays on your PC, the more chances it has to create more system loopholes and modify start-up items. Strongly recommend to remove CouponJumbo immediately before it opens backdoor to invite other crapware like adware Jumbosale, browser hijacker mysearch123 and trojan. 

CouponJumbo Removal Options

★★★★★ Option A: automatically eliminate CouponJumbo with the official CouponJumbo removal tool (quite popular&easy)

★★★★★ Option B: manually remove CouponJumbo (require a little expertise)

Option A: automatically eliminate CouponJumbo with the official CouponJumbo removal tool

(popular with those who are not computer savvies.)

After the removal of CouponJumbo, the vulnerable computer needs help to deal with the system loopholes, the left infected files and the messed up system registries. The professional Spyhunter can help fix loopholes/registries and remove the left files to reinforce the PC firewall.

(SpyHunter is a powerful, real-time anti-spyware application certified by West Coast Labs’ Checkmark Certification System and designed to assist the average computer user in protecting their PC from malicious threats. SpyHunter offers additional customization capabilities to ensure every user is able to custom tailor SpyHunter to fit their specific needs.)

1. Download the Powerful Spyhunter here.

  • There are 2 selections offered: click Save or Run to install the program. We recommend you to save it on the desktop if you choose Save for the reason that you can immediately start the free scan by using the desktop icon.
  • After downloading, double click the downloaded file and follow the prompts to install the removal tool.

2. Spyhunter Installation Scenes: asking for your permission, please click Run

Now you need to follow the setup wizard to get the Automatic Removal Tool.

A good gain consumes time. Please wait for the files downloading...

Grasp the chance remove CouponJumbo. Click Start New Scan/ Scan Computer Right Now!

You are scanning your PC. About half an hour is required for the scan. You can take a cup of coffee or do something else.

Here you are. Please click Fix Threats. You are on the right track to remove CouponJumbo.

Option B: manually remove CouponJumbo (require a little expertise)

1. End CouponJumbo and other suspicious running processes in the Task Manger
Click Del+Alt+Ctrl to bring up Task Manager

( Easy Method to get rid of CouponJumbo: download and install the strong professional CouponJumbo removal tool)

2. remove CouponJumbo from browsers
Remove CouponJumbo from Internet Explorer

Click Tools>Internet Options>Advanced> check Delete personal settings>Reset IE

Remove CouponJumbo from Mozilla Firefox

Click Help>Troubleshot Information> Refresh Firefox>Refresh Firefox> Finish

Remove CouponJumbo from Google Chrome click Settings>Show advanced settings> Reset browser settings


3. Remove CouponJumbo from C drive
Click Local Disk(C:)>open Program Files>search for CouponJumbo folders as well as other malicious folder coming together with CouponJumbo.


4. Remove CouponJumbo from Registry
Click Windows+R to start up Run>input regedit

Remove the following registries to get rid of CouponJumbo

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Clients\StartMenuInternet\Google.exe\shell\open\command "(Default)" = ""C:\Program Files\Google\Google.exe"
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Clients\StartMenuInternet\Google\shell\open\command "(Default)" = ""C:\Program Files\Google\Google.exe"

5. Restart you computer to take effect.

Last but Not Least:

CouponJumbo won't do anything nice but bring on troubles and messes for you and your beloved PC. If CouponJumbo stays on your PC, your browser will become a hell and you will be suffered a lot from it. Why not Download and Install the Effective and Fast Removal Tool to bring it down? You can make it!

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